Friday, July 30, 2010

chanel cake

Last month ~ (19th June 2010) I was lucky enough to be offered a gig to do princess's sister's 21st photography at Baroq House (which was also my very first paid freelance job - meaning a mini achievement for me :D)

Anyhows, besides being able to get a chance to hand out some business cards and all, the best part was i got to try the fancy bday cake she had! :P

Even though I'm no massive fan of Chanel or nothing, tho it sure looked fancy as! And usually you don't expect these stunning looking cakes to taste that great, since usually that icing layer used to make it look so cool would be rubbery and taste crap but actually this one was pretty nice!! The cupcakes came in both vanilla and choc, and mine being vanilla tasted light and fluffy so enjoyed it very much hehe


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