Thursday, July 29, 2010


Last night, would prob of been the last of our group meals with natta for nows since he is mr. popular and busy lol. We went to this place on swanston that I've past a million times but never really considered going upstairs into called Lounge. It was a very large and open laid back bar/lounge place with pool tables and a balcony. The parma was apparently pretty good, so i gave it a go :) It went unfinished due to its massive size though. lol

Parma with chips and salad

my failed zubrowka (somehow got told it was to be mixed with soda and lime instead of more commonly apple juice - which I did not know till afterwards unfortunately ><) so instead of it tasting just tasted like disappointing fizz water :( sorry dad i know im a noob lol

:: Lounge ::
243 Swanston Street
Melbourne 3000


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