Monday, August 23, 2010

an arvo with my sis

Omgg finally..that girl has a moment free for me!!! haha. Haven't seen that one for 2-3 months till today since she' went canada and the US. So yeahs, it's been ageeees since we've had a chance to catch up.

Well after some "trust issues" in regards to which direction we were suppose to go lol, we eventually FOUND the raved about korean place tucked away behind the main road.

The place looked a bit odd from the outside IMO...didn't exactly look like your usual korean restaurant, and inside was fuming with paint smells. I guess they had just undergone some renovation work or something. Well whilst ignoring the unpleasant smell, we pretty much took ages to decide what we wanted... and when we did decide, the waitress confused us even more saying they didn't have 'chinese foods' today?? mmm and that meant no famous jajang myun noodles for mary...which was the whole reason why i wanted to try the place. sighs..disappointing! Next time hopefully...! but luckily what we got instead was still yummy though :)

Rice Sticks with Fishcake

Octopus Rice Sizzling Bowl

Well, I had said i would go to this place one day and well today was the day! haha Coz afterwards we went to have coffee & cake at Le Petit Gataeu~! It was a classy little cafe with fancy cakes, delicate decoration elements and glass displays and a window to see into the kitchen where the pastry chefs do their thing lol.

Jiejie's Brownie & Passionfruit Chocolate Gataeu

My mind has gone full blank here... coz i seriously can't remember what mine was called!! :(

Mmm... I actually think you can actually taste the delicacy in their cakes hehe...

All in all, was good spending a RARE arvo with me big sis. x

P.S. it's maple syrup that's travelled here all the way from canada and via the states to get here. haha...bottle reminds me of medicine somehow? Anyways, i don't think i've ever bought maple syrup before, so i don't exactly know if this is how they all taste lol.

:: Han Guuk Guan ::
13A Victoria Street
Melbourne 3000

:: Le Petit Gataeu ::
458 Little Collins St
Melbourne 3000


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