Monday, August 2, 2010


Sadly, we had to say our goodbyes to daddy today... Off to KL he goes tomorrow morning. Boooooo i so hate him!!

Uncle b & me met up for lunch with him as he assumed he would have limited time afterwards, but we ended up spending the rest of the day together anyways lol

Lunch: Victoria street PHO :)
Pho dac biet (Special combination rice noodle soup)

After we ate, we went boardies shopping...I tried to get him to model the ones he tried on for the camera but he wasn't very cooperative unfortunately lol!

Dropped by Brunswick st for some lattes...

Hmm, pretty funny actually, since last time the day after he got back from sweden we also met for pho at the same restaurant for lunch and then randomly went for a drive to the same spot at yarra bend park afterwards - and today was that exact same scenario; only this time it's the day before he leaves to go sweden!

Took quite a few photos with the boys for once since i am usually not 'allowed to' be clicking at em much =.= but anyone who knows me would know i would of just persisted endlessly if i was refused proper pics TODAY of all days. haha.


Well after photo-whoring for a good hour or so at the park, it was dinner time already - so MORE food again!! (back at victoria street again too lol man it's like full 360 back in richmond hehe) So yeahh.. this was it - our last meal together in melbourne (...for now)

Vietnamese special broken rice

Stir fry chicken w/rice noodle

Bun Bo Hue

Lemongrass & Chili Chicken w/rice

:: Pho Dzung ::
208 Victoria Street
Richmond 3121

:: Itza Cafe ::
402 Brunswick Street
Fitzroy 3065

:: Co Do ::
196 Victoria St
Richmond 3121

Oh and damn u friggin natalie for trying to leave me without my hug. pffft why always make me feel so rejected for...end up having to sook to get one every time man.. lol grrrrrr~

And from now on, every time i consciously remember to say "please" at the end of my sentences; i shall think of you bro ;)


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