Monday, August 16, 2010

chippies & delice

Ah suk and me were bored this arvo so we decided to go on a photo shoot down at port melb~ omg it was sucha freezing windyyyyy as day too!! Not many idiots go to the beach in winter i suppose lol but at least the sun was out for periods.

Been ages since having chippies from D'lish Fish (I think the old name was Rex Hunt's Fish & Chips last i was here)

Flake & Chips

Calamari & Chips

Port Melbourne Beach on a winters day...

After our shoot, we headed back to the city and wondered around the streets in search of an open cafe and were quite excited to see that Lindt Cafe was indeed still open!

The place was like so classy and nice man~ The beautiful white interior roof of the building and the decor and atmosphere makes the place feel quite fancy. And the displays....ahh the rows of macaroons looked so cute and all the chocolate looked so tempting! Man looking at all of the colourful prettiness just makes you wanna get em all!! Too bad they're like $2.20 each haha.

We got ourselves a coffee along with a famous delice each and then as a team effort we seriously managed to make a whole lot of "food porn" with just our 2 DSLRs & 2 simple lil macaroons. XD

I think the salt caramel one was super nicee man~ i picked that one just coz it seemed to be their promoted special outside on the board and boy it didn't disappoint; the flavours were like so well balanced and it just had a special taste somehow.

Cafe Latte

Salt Caramel Delice & Hazelnut Delice ~~~

well goodbye for today lindt... shall be back another time to try your cakes! :D

:: D'lish Fish ::
3/105 Beach Street
Port Melbourne 3207

:: Lindt Cafe ::
271 Collins Street
Melbourne 3000


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