Sunday, August 29, 2010

Old Town Kopitiam Mamak

Haha it was quite ironic today. So like ah suk goes oh i just wana go out and sit somewhere... and so what did we do? we went out and went for like a 2 hour long walk!! lol! we just wondered around the city armed with our cams looking for photo ops then walked all the way to south melbourne to find out that our destination was closed on sundays! so we walked all the way back to the city again. lol oh well it was good exercise~

First time at Old Town Kopitiam Mamak
in QV and i gota say i quite liked it. The whole place just screamed MALAY at you. lol i think everyone in there pretty much looked malay too?

The wall behind the drinks counter was lined with rows and rows of neat condensed milk, evaporated milk, milo, horlicks etc. I suppose it's used as a decorative element but they sure must go through A LOT of that stuff anyways since they are such common ingredients in malay drink cuisine.

When we walked in, i noticed that this place used the same glasses to serve their drinks as Monga Dessert Lounge! lol! I got so excited seeing that special kinda cup there, and here ALL their drinks were served in that exact same glass too...haha not that unique after all i guess.

I tried the special three coloured tea which i reckon tastes like yin yeung! The dark syrup layer at the bottom shouldn't be mixed too much if you don't want it too sweet.

Old Town Teh C Special

Milo Dinosaur

They had a large range of different roti on the menu. The "roti tissue" that ah suk recommend was kinda cool. It was this large cone shape made from paper thin crisp that had been coated in sugar on the under side and drizzled with a bit of condensed milk and some sorta red syrup. Looked pretty impressive so it was a shame to have to break it to eat it lol.

Roti Tissue

Pan Mee (Soup Base)

Maggi Goreng

Old Town Kopitiam Mamak ::
Level 2, Shop 11
QV Square, QV
Melbourne 3000


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