Sunday, August 22, 2010

syd @ melb weekend

Had suchhh a huge night on friday...! Firstly, it was the first time bec has came down to visit melb, so i was determined to make sure she didn't leave thinking melbourne was crap (even tho it may not be that great anyhow :P) Well they arrived late arvo and were too tired to do anything so we didn't go anywhere except to crown where they had dinner and i watched starving!! lol.

Secondly the korean one was also arriving from syd that evening and a dinner at Hwaro Korean BBQ had been planned to catch up for timmy's bday so i left the girls to their apartment pre-drinks and headed to the late 9:30pm dinner.

It was a rare chance to see that selection of guys from school... funny how it feels like i never really spoke to them much back then yet it still felt kinda comfortable and enjoyable just being in that presence. I guess it just reminds me of school days and anything that reminds me of high school pretty much tugs at my heart lol. I guess maybe it was also the Soju making me feel so at ease too lol Did i mention the Soju??? hahaha...gosh we drank so many shots of that stuff... I didn't realise how nice and easy to drink it was! I must of had at least 9? It was like, every few mins more would get poured in my glass haha and we would just drink to nothing! Not sure how many bottles we went through in that sitting, but prob near 2 dozen if estimating from the expensive bill...which timmy should not have paid! =/

Actually it was an emo kinda night lol. I don't know how to explain why? But yeah definitely very memorable! What became really clear to me that night was how rare it is to have such wholesome good times as you get older and older... and how thankful i am that there's still a chance for us to do this kinda thing after so many years. Isn't it funny how some friends you never expected to see ever again can suddenly appear in your life again while some that were suppose to always be there can all of a sudden just walk out...?? mmm.. And yea, what was said about us being family and all was like one of the nicest thing's i'd ever heard...especially coming from one of my most insulting friends lol. I actually feel the same way too because I see my friends as more family than my real family... and it's not often you get the feeling that others value it in the same way unfortunately... so yea i guess i was quite touched by those few drunken words..

Well anyhow, by the end of it all; the soju's effect was definitely hitting us. I think we made so much noise at and outside the restaurant that the waiters must have been sighhh when are they gona leave so we can close and go home?!?! hehe.. We even struggled to stumble along for 10 mins to get back to the apartment ourselves so we decided to take a cab for like a 2 min ride instead. haha! The night continued at EVE where memories of club 9 came flooding back hehe and more intoxication occurred until we finally called it a night and headed back in the wee hours of the morning.

Soju!!! :)

The few soju bottles at the start of the night resulted in me being too 'distracted' to even be bothered to take proper photos for blogging when the food came and all. XD So unfortunately no decent pics from Hwaro :( even when i did have my DSLR on me too!

The next day, with only 3 or so hours of sleep followed by walking to and from and around the whole city in the cold windy-ness and partly raining weather, i was so tired! We were locked outa the apartment since we had no we re-visited Grecco for cake, though the one we picked was nothing special.

Chocolate Strawberry Cake

By the time we got back into the apartment we just could not be stuffed going out for a big night again. Bec's friends were up for gambling and more clubbing so we left em to it and after a rest, went out for a dumpling dinner! It seems the Hu Tong Dumpling place really IS that popular, rejecting my request for booking!! Sighh, guess we gotta keep trying to finally be able to get a table there someeee day, even if it may be somewhat overrated? So best other alternative was Dumplings Plus! Can't really go wrong there :D

Between the 3 of us, we ordered like 7 dishes! i think the waitress was like thinking umm woaa what pigs? Coz when the food came, it wouldn't even all fit on the table properly haha! And as i assumed, we couldn't finish it of course. However we did do a lot better than i had thought ~ managed to finish 4 out of the 7 dishes completely. lol

Hot and Sour Soup + Drunken Chicken (we were expecting small appetizer pieces not half a chook! I didn't like it anyway though, too bitter...just tasted like chicken soaked in beer)

Shou Zhua Bing w/ HoiSin Dipping Sauce

Stir Fry Green Beans + Fried Salt & Pepper Squid

Shanghai Dumplings ~ Xiao Long Bao

Dumplings in Spicy Sauce (too spicy for bec lol)

:: Hwaro Korean BBQ ::
562 Little Burke Street
Melbourne 3000

:: Cafe Grecco ::
Crown Casino
8 Whiteman Street
Southbank 3006

:: Dumplings Plus ::
269 Swanston Street
Melbourne 3000


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