Friday, August 20, 2010

cake on lygon

Got called to go hunting for somewhere to go tonight's like we always set out and then get completely stuck for where to go! well i guess there just isn't really much to do at night in melbourne... besides crown? haha.. so after a short stint there, we had to find somewhere else to go. I think me uncle and i seem to have developed an addiction for cafes or always seem to end up in one. and cafes usually mean cake...!! ><"

Well tonight we ended up at lygon street... lol no shootings there tonight tho. Just wondered down the road freezing cold till as everything was closing up.. till we found an open one and was actually quite busy with people. It looked pretty much your typical Italian causal dining place just like most of the other ones along the same street; only difference was that there were heaps of people bumming around here while the rest were shut at this hour lol. Cakes shown in the displays always makes it harder to resist...haha so gave in as usual.

hmm however it was nothing special. Our cakes just tasted like normal cheesecake actually since there was no caramel flavour in the caramel one, and i couldn't taste any Bailey's in my one either. Misleading names that don't match the flavours!! Anyways, we didn't end up finishing it lol.

Bailey's Chocolate Cheesecake w/icecream

Choc Caramel Swirl Cheesecake w/icecream

:: Cafe Notturno ::
177-179 Lygon Street

Carlton Vic


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