Sunday, August 8, 2010

ramen & shisha-ing

It was the american's last dinner with us on friday night (geez two os farewells within a week!) so we went to Ajisen Ramen in the city. I hadn't been there in a few years but i remember we used to go after school and stuff ages ago? And it never occurred to me that it had anything that unique or outstanding since it is just another fast food kinda franchise that you can find in many places around HK? And for me, eating there when i lived there would have been just be a matter of convenience and budget, and not to do with their apparent specialties, only due to the fact that i had always thought it was your average restaurant chain and that melbourne happened to have one. haha.

The volcano ramen that was so highly recommended was pretty good especially after putting in lots of the chili sauce :P

Volcano Ramen

Spicy Something Ramen?

Tofu entree~

Fried Squid w/mayo

oh...and after dinner...seeing as everyone seemed to be addicted to shisha evenings - we went!
ah mary so bad... :S
mary actually smoked shisha
but but BUT twas only to remind myself of the good old days (rebecca's bday in hk where i first tried it LOL fail...) ...when i was free to rebel all i wanted and the fact that I had once lived a much more exciting life than now...sighhs..

My Mango Beer and other Lebanese Alcohol

and then my camera died after this...



:: Ajisen Ramen ::
130 Bourke Street
Melbourne VIC 3000


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